Sitecore custom Contact Facet with WFFM

In Sitecore by Out of box, we have predefined Facets but most of them are useful for us, but still, due to some client requirement we may need to store different details about the customer to Mongo DB and will be aggregated to Reporting DB.
Facets have these following.
v  Attributes – attributes are an element's subitems. For example, the Address element could contain attributes such as country, state, town or email address. Attributes can be strings, GUIDs, integers, or floating point numbers.
v  Elements – an element is a data structure that contains one or more members or attributes, such as a facet.
v  Dictionaries – A dictionary contains named elements. Each element in a dictionary is identified by a unique key
Let us start creating Custom Facet for the storing customer’s Email, Age, Designation, and Company but the rest like FirstName into the out of Sitecore Facet.
v  In order to create a Facet, we need to first create an Element which holds all Customer properties like Email, Age, Designation, and company.
v  Mark this class with [Serializable] Attribute, it is very important when we using shared session, else it will throw Tracker not initialized error

   public interface IcustomerDetailsElement : IElement
        string Email { get; set; }
        string Company { get; set; }
        string Designation { get; set; }
        int Age { get; set; }

    public class CustomerDetailElement : Element, IcustomerDetailsElement
        private const string EMAIL = "Email";
        private const string COMPANY = "Company";
        private const string DESIGNATION = "Designation";
        private const string AGE = "Age";

        public CustomerDetailElement()

        public string Email
            get { return base.GetAttribute<string>(EMAIL); }
            set { base.SetAttribute<string>(EMAIL, value); }
        public int Age
            get { return base.GetAttribute<int>(AGE); }
            set { base.SetAttribute<int>(AGE, value); }

        public string Company
            get { return base.GetAttribute<string>(COMPANY); }
            set { base.SetAttribute<string>(COMPANY, value); }

        public string Designation
            get { return base.GetAttribute<string>(DESIGNATION); }
            set { base.SetAttribute<string>(DESIGNATION, value); }

·         Once we created the element class with necessary fields that we need to store to Mongo DB, now let's create the Facet class.

        IFacet implements IElement Class.
    public interface IContactCommentsFacet : IFacet
        string Comments { get; set; }
        IElementCollection<IcustomerDetailsElement> CustomerDetails { get; }

    public class ContactCommentsFacet : Facet, IContactCommentsFacet
        private const string CONTACT_COMMENT = "Comments";
        private const string CUSTOMER_DETAILS = "CustomerDetails";
        public ContactCommentsFacet()
        public string Comments
            get { return base.GetAttribute<string>(CONTACT_COMMENT); }
            set { base.SetAttribute<string>(CONTACT_COMMENT, value); }

        public IElementCollection<IcustomerDetailsElement> CustomerDetails
                return base.GetCollection<IcustomerDetailsElement>(CUSTOMER_DETAILS);

v  Now our Elements and Facets created now its time to make Sitecore aware of this new Facet.
v  Add the Element and Facet to the Config patch file


Contact Details

<configuration xmlns:patch="">
        <element interface="xxxxxxx.IcustomerDetailsElement, xxxxxxx" implementation="xxxxxxx.CustomerDetailElement, xxxxxxx" />
        <element interface="xxxxxxx.IContactCommentsFacet, xxxxxxx" implementation="xxxxxxx.ContactCommentsFacet, xxxxxxx" />
            <facet name="Contact Details" contract="xxxxxxx.IContactCommentsFacet, xxxxxxx" />

Once this step is done, if we go to WFFM form we can see this new Facet shows when updating the Fields.


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