
Sitecore XM Cloud Embedded Personalization's variants limitation and resolution Part 2

 In Part 1 of the article we have seen the Sitecore XM Cloud Limitations of allowing only 8 variants to do personalization, In this article we will see how to overcome the limitation with the workaround. Considering the requirement that we have an existing multisite in Sitecore XM Cloud which has separate sites based on each country, now the client looking to remove the country sites and use one site for all countries but they want to personalize the home page component based on the country from the user visiting the page. The other requirement is that the content author should be in full control of personalization like assigning the datasource for the components etc.  So now the requirement is clear, we need to personalize the home page components based on all the available countries that the client has requested. So, In order to make this achievable, we have the following options. Directly use Sitecore Personalize instead of depending on Embedded personalization (here cont...

Sitecore XM Cloud Embedded Personalization's variants limitation and resolution Part 1

Part 1 of this article covers the Sitecore Pages personalization and its limitations. Part 2 of this article will provide the workaround for the limitations with a real-world scenario and code sample. In Sitecore XM Cloud, we are personalizing the item using Sitecore Pages with the help of the audience rule.  The personalization feature is working with the help of lightweight Sitecore Personalize, which we don't have access to, so we cannot see the audience rule(Variant) that we have created in the Sitecore XM Cloud Pages for an item in the lightweight Sitecore Personalize application. S uppose still we want to get the details like the  Client key  for configuration purposes or to verify the personalization rule using the CallFlows API manually using Postman, etc. In that case,  we need to connect with the Sitecore representative to get the information about credentials details like the Client key, etc. If we have a separate Sitecore Personalize license, we can lin...

Sitecore upgrade from 8.1 XP to 10.4 XM Scaled -Part 3

 Continuation from Part 2 of upgrading from Sitecore 8.1 to 10.4, in this article we will see the issues faced during the upgrading of the 8.1 code to 10.4 Upgrade the solution projects to the .net 4.8 framework Upgrade the Sitecore Nuget packages to 10.4      Solr   We have received this below error while doing an upgrade to 10.4 The solution to this error: upgrade the SolrNet.dll nuget package from to Upgrade Glass mapper Nuget packages to 10.4 In V5 the Glassmapper configuration is modified from the V4 version, In this new version we have different types of services to get the content from Sitecore. In 8.1 we will be using SitecoreContext to grab the content from Sitecore but in V5 we will be using the following to grab the content from Sitecore RequestContext MvcContext WebFormsContext We will be using MvcContext in the MVC application, for other like Class libraries we will use RequestContext GlassController is now not availa...

Sitecore Upgrade from 8.1 XP to 10.4 XM Scaled - Part 1

 I have seen many questions about upgrading Sitecore from 8.1 to 10.4. I will share my experience upgrading Sitecore with tips and tricks that will help the upgrade process go smoothly. This contains multiple parts to get started with the upgrade activity. Steps for Sitecore and Solution Upgrade Checklist Sitecore 8.1 Local instance setup with Solr and verification Sitecore 10.4 Code upgrade issues and resolution Steps for Sitecore and Solution Upgrade Checklist: Solution Upgrade Checklist:   Task Comments / Findings Comments 1 .Net 4.8 upgrade to all the projects in the solution   2 Install SQL Server 2022   3 .NET Core 6.0 Windows Hosting Bundle   4 Install Compatible Solr version for 8.1 and 10.4   5 Update the Nuget package of Sitecore from 8.1 to 10.4 ...