Sitecore upgrade from 8.1 XP to 10.4 XM Scaled -Part 3
Continuation from Part 2 of upgrading from Sitecore 8.1 to 10.4, in this article we will see the issues faced during the upgrading of the 8.1 code to 10.4 Upgrade the solution projects to the .net 4.8 framework Upgrade the Sitecore Nuget packages to 10.4 Solr We have received this below error while doing an upgrade to 10.4 The solution to this error: upgrade the SolrNet.dll nuget package from to Upgrade Glass mapper Nuget packages to 10.4 In V5 the Glassmapper configuration is modified from the V4 version, In this new version we have different types of services to get the content from Sitecore. In 8.1 we will be using SitecoreContext to grab the content from Sitecore but in V5 we will be using the following to grab the content from Sitecore RequestContext MvcContext WebFormsContext We will be using MvcContext in the MVC application, for other like Class libraries we will use RequestContext GlassController is now not availa...