Sitecore Live Profile access programmatically

 To access on going contact triggered Profile without waiting till session end.

public class ProfileScoreAndPointsList
        public ID ProfileID { get; set; }
        public string ProfileKeyName { get; set; }
        public double ProfileKeyScore { get; set; }
public Dictionary<ID, List<ProfileScoreAndPointsList>> GetTrackerInteractionProfiles()
            Dictionary<ID, List<ProfileScoreAndPointsList>> allcategoryProfiles = new Dictionary<ID, List<ProfileScoreAndPointsList>>();
            if (Tracker.Current?.Interaction != null)
                VisitData visitdata = Tracker.Current.Interaction.ToVisitData();
                Dictionary<string, ProfileData> data = visitdata.Profiles;
                if (data.Any())
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ProfileData> profileCollections in data)
                        List<ProfileScoreAndPointsList> profileScoreLists = new List<ProfileScoreAndPointsList>();
                        //Profiles example:(Sector)
                        ProfileData value = profileCollections.Value;
                        Dictionary<string, double> profileKeyValue = value.Values;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> profile in profileKeyValue)
                            //Profile Keys example:(Aviation)
                        ///sitecore/system/Marketing Control Panel/Profiles
                            string query = $"{SitecoreSettings.ProfilePath}/descendant::*[@@key ='{profile.Key.ToLower()}']";
                            Item profileKeyItem = Sitecore.Context.Database.SelectSingleItem(query);
                            if (profileKeyItem != null)
                                string profilename = profile.Key;
                                double profilevalue = profile.Value;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(profilename))
                                    //If already have the Profile key data then appened Score
                                    ProfileScoreAndPointsList profileItem = profileScoreLists.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProfileKeyName.Equals(profile.Key));
                                    if (profileItem != null)
                                        //Getting the profile max score for contact's profile from latest interaction
                                        int index = profileScoreLists.IndexOf(profileItem);
                                        ProfileScoreAndPointsList profileDetail = profileScoreLists.ElementAt(index);
                                        profileDetail.ProfileKeyName = profilename;
                                        profileDetail.ProfileKeyScore = profileItem.ProfileKeyScore + profilevalue;
                                        profileDetail.ProfileID = profileKeyItem.ID;
                                        //First time add the Score for the profile key
                                        profileScoreLists.Add(new ProfileScoreAndPointsList()
                                            //ProfileID = ID.Parse(profile.Key),
                                            ProfileKeyScore = profilevalue,
                                            ProfileKeyName = profilename,
                                            ProfileID = profileKeyItem.ID
                        //sitecore/system/Marketing Control Panel/Profiles
                        string queryProfile = $"{ SitecoreSettings.ProfilePath}/descendant::*[@@key ='{profileCollections.Key.ToLower()}']";
                        Item profileRootItem = Sitecore.Context.Database.SelectSingleItem(queryProfile);
                        if (profileRootItem != null)
                            allcategoryProfiles.Add(profileRootItem.ID, profileScoreLists);
            return allcategoryProfiles;


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