Sitecore scriban for language dropdown

 We using scriban template to load language selector for the website , as not using out of box SXA language selector, we need more control from content author side.

We have template with language multilist field , so that the content author have control to select or deselect the languages as per their wish.

Scriban template to load language selector:

  • Loop through all the languages content author selected from the field "Site Languages" and compare with the context language to make it as active language
  • Url will be dynamic based on the language


       {{ for languages in (sc_followmany i_datasource "Site Languages"  )  }}

             {{ itemLanguage=(sc_field  languages 'Regional Iso Code') }}

             {{itemLanguage=(itemLanguage | string.downcase)}}

             {{contextLanguage=(i_datasource.language )| string.downcase}}    

              {{if contextLanguage== itemLanguage }}

                    <li class="{{sc_field  languages 'Iso'}} active"><a href="{{ (i_page.url | string.downcase) | string.replace ("/" | string.append ( i_page.language| string.downcase))  ("/" | string.append ((sc_field  languages 'Regional Iso Code') | string.downcase) )  }}">{{ sc_field  languages 'Language Name' }}</a></li>    


               <li class ="{{sc_field  languages 'Iso'}}"><a href="{{ (i_page.url | string.downcase) |string.replace ("/" | string.append ( i_page.language| string.downcase)) ("/" | string.append ((sc_field  languages 'Regional Iso Code') | string.downcase) )  }}">{{sc_field  languages 'Language Name'}} </a></li>


       {{end }}




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