Overall features and concepts of Sitecore Part 1.
Sitecore is booming in the market and most of the business already started using it because of its wide range of features and easy concepts to the marketer and developers to integrate and market the business to the next level.
Let us start to see overall features and concepts in
Sitecore that one should be aware.
Based on my experience and analysis of these features i hope this article might help others.
Tagging is the common feature now a day’s people want
to group the content, Sitecore provided this feature inbuild and easy to
configure it.
Tags need to be created under the following path using
the Tag Template.
During Search, if facets need to be
updated with this Tag then we need to update the following items enable Field
to be checked, Facets will be displayed as GUID so create a computed field to
overcome this.
Caching is very essential for sites that consuming
more calls to the server. And it will be greatly improving the performance of
the site. Sitecore out of box varies caching options to enable at Item Level or
at rendering level.
Caching can be even enabled for the site in
Sitecore.config (cacheHtml=true)
Sometimes cache won't be cleared for certain websites
in a multisite environment, so we have to update the config like below.
<event name="publish:end">
<handler type="Sitecore.Publishing.HtmlCacheClearer,
Sitecore.Kernel" method="ClearCache">
<sites hint="list">
<site hint="siteA"> siteA </site>
<site hint=" siteB "> siteB </site>
<event name="publish:end:remote">
<handler type="Sitecore.Publishing.HtmlCacheClearer,
Sitecore.Kernel" method="ClearCache">
<sites hint="list">
<site hint=" siteA "> siteA </site>
<site hint=" siteB "> siteB </site>
There are certain admin tools which help to clear the cache.
We can also customize this cache clearing process.
Events are one of the important features that most of
the functions carried out in Sitecore and we can also customize/add for our
These events are also helpful to handle remote triggering
from one environment to another like CM and CD, it internally uses Eventqueue to
handle any remote event triggering which is always stored in the Core database,
which will be useful as mostly we will be having only one core database for our
website even in a load-balanced environment.
If you want to clear cache from a CD we can publish an item from
CM which will clear cache in CD using events.
This feature will be very useful if some new actions
need to be performed in Sitecore.
Suppose we are storing some user information to a database and now
content authors need to get the information of the user details stored in the
database, so if we provide any button interface to get the data from the
database will be very useful for them.
This below class Type and namespace needs to added to the core
database and need to add the button to the Ribbons
public class ExportRegistrationDetails : Command
public override void Execute(CommandContext
Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "Run", context.Parameters);
public static void Run(ClientPipelineArgs
if (!args.IsPostBack)
urlstring = new UrlString("/ExportRegistrationDetails.aspx");
SheerResponse.Eval(string.Format("window.open('{0}');", urlstring.ToString()));
if (args.HasResult)
if (Sitecore.Context.Item.Name
== "Content Editor")
Update the Sitecore.commands.config to add this
command just created in core Database.
<command name="app:exportexcelregistrationdetails" type="xxxxxx.Feature.Forms.Pipeline.ExportRegistrationDetails,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/>
<command name="app:exportexcelregistrationdetails" type="xxxxxx.Feature.Forms.Pipeline.ExportRegistrationDetails,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/>
Custom Fields:
Custom fields are useful if some of the out of box
field is not able to solve our problem.
Once created the custom field in core database map it
to the template field in master database, and if that field gets indexed it is
important to add that field details to FieldType.config and
also to index configuration file to add this field to be indexed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
name="CustomField" type="xxxxxxxx.customfield,xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Workflow is important part in content management
system, as it is necessary to monitor temploraray content which is not yet
reviewed published to Content delivery.
Workflow can be created using the following template
under the path (/sitecore/system/Workflows)
Workflow fundamentals:
All items in sitecore which use workflow should go from one state
to another.
User can edit the item and publish it if he has necessary to write
access to those items.
It has a Final property to make it as the final State, which needs
to be selected only if it is a final State.
It is used to push item from one workflow state to another state
using “Next State” defined by either accepting or rejecting the workflow state
modification request.
During command executes we can define certain action like sending
email, Validation and publishing etc.
During Publishing it gives importance to the Parameters field
to look for any condition available to be continuing to publish. They are
Smart – (It does smart
publish, and its value will be either 1 or 0 (smart=1)
Related – (It publish the item with related items, Its value will be either 1 or 0 (related=1)
Deep – (It publish the
item along with all levels of its child’s, Its value will be either 1 or 0
Publishing is very important to move the approved
items from one environment to another like from CM to CD.
Publishing mainly involves the
following options.
· Site
Using this option, we can publish the entire site including
rendering, templates, layouts, and content items, etc.
· Item
Using this option, we can publish only the specific item and its
child based on the option selected.
// Programmatically publish
publishOptions = new Sitecore.Publishing.PublishOptions(
// Perform the actual
publisher = new Sitecore.Publishing.Publisher(publishOptions);
= item;
= false;//Include all children for publish
= false;//Specify to do smart (false) or republish(true)
performance can be improved by the following the below approach:
· Dedicated publishing instance
which will only be dedicated to doing publish a job, It is the replica of the CM server and it does the job.
In All CM server except Publishing
instance server the following Settings needs to be updated to point the
Publishing Server details to “Scalabilitysetting.config”
<patch:attribute name="value"></patch:attribute>
· Publishing Service(it is the separate .net core service application
which will handle the Publishing, and it will very fast be compared to another kind of publishing, it will installed as a module.
Buckets are one of the important features of Sitecore
which allows Sitecore item to hold many child items under it, usually, it is
important to go for a bucket when we have child items more than 100.
It can be enabled at the Template level and item level
It will improve content editor performance. Buckets
hide all the child items under the main item, but it provides easy to access
the child item which we are looking through the search option on the actual
By default, all the child items will be stored as date
split folders but can customize the Bucket folder name where the child items
getting stored by the following approach
· BucketFolderPath configuration
· Rules (we can use
existing rules also we can create our own by inheriting from RuleAction with
the generic constraint to allow only BucketingRuleContext
public class
CutomFolderPath : RuleAction where T : BucketingRuleContext
override void Apply(T ruleContext)
Buckets Url path can be customized
using ItemResolver and custom Linkmanager
Wildcard Items:
Sitecore introduced the concept of wildcard items
which is a very powerful feature.
It is defined as “*” item in the content tree. Which
will load this item if the URL matches item of this level.
This wildcard item will be useful when we need to
display items with different datasource without creating multiple page item
with presentation details along with its datasource for each one of them.
This * item will be the universal item which has all
presentation details defined, so dynamically passing the datasource to this *
item will load this page with different datasource content
public class WildcardDatasource : GetRendererProcessor
public string RenderingName { get; set; }
public override void Process(GetRendererArgs
if (args.PageContext.Item.Name == "*" && args.Rendering.RenderingItem.Name=="renderingname")
var url =
string datasourceItem ="/sitecore/content/site/data/Product" +
url.PathAndQuery.Substring(url.AbsolutePath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
= datasourceItem;
<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/">
<processor type="xxxxxxxx.wildcard, xxxxxx" patch:before="*[@type='Sitecore.Mvc.Pipelines.Response.GetRenderer.GetViewRenderer,
Compatible Rendering:
Sometimes we need a different format of the data to be displayed
in the pages. And that should make the content author choose from the different
rendering options available for the same kind of data to get more end-user
This will be easily configurable for the rendering item where we
need to have compatibility rendering options.
Goto Rendering item and look for Compatibility
Rendering multilist and select the rendering that needs to be added.
This rendering will be easily able to select in Experience editor
and in content editor Presentation details
Custom Experience Buttons and Edit Frame
Sitecore provides an option to design the page
on the go for the non-technical persons using the feature called Experience
Editor, using this feature one can design the page and also edit any rendering
fields, but it will be sometimes difficult for them when we have some complex
field like Treelist etc.
So, these 2 buttons provide the option to edit
the required rendering at ease.
EditFrame: /Sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Edit Frame
Edit Frames require extra code to be added to
your view and are designed to surround a section(s) of your view.
In Field Editor Button which is
created look for Fields Field and add pipe separated fields that need
to edit.
@using (Html.BeginEditFrame(RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem.Paths.FullPath, "Button Name", "Display Title"))
// Fields that need to be edit
Custom Experience Buttons: /Sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Custom Experience Buttons
Custom Experience buttons appear on the
existing toolbar that will be displayed when you select a component in the
experience editor
In Field Editor Button item
which is created, look for Fields Field and add pipe separated
fields that need to edited on experience editor.
Once done we need to add this button to
rendering that will be using it under the field “Experience Editor Buttons”
Tokens are very important feature in Sitecore ($name,
Tokens will be replaced with the value in items fields, we need to
create tokens to the template’s standard values before item creation then only
this token will be replacing with actual value. Item duplicate will also not
We can also create some custom events.
public class CustomToken :
/// <summary>
/// This custom token is used to retrieve and replace the
values in the standardvalues with respective values
/// </summary>
/// <param
public override void Process(ExpandInitialFieldValueArgs
switch (args.SourceField.Value)
case var token when token.Contains("$parenttitle"):
//Replacing the $parenttitle with its parent
item's Title Field
= args.TargetItem.Parent != null ?
args.Result.Replace("$parenttitle", args.TargetItem.Parent[CommonConstants.Title])
: string.Empty;
One of the features in Sitecore is to create Alias URL for any
lengthy URL which is very difficult to remember, it needs to be configured each
item individually if you need to have an alias for that item.
It is easy to configure.
Click the item and clickà PresentationàAlias add
the respective alias for this item, this will be get stored under /sitecore/system/Aliases
Email Experience Manager (EXM):
Email Experience manager
is the savior for the marketer who can send different email campaigns to their
contacts without any hurdle.
It provides the 2 campaigns options to send campaign emails
Automated (It provides an ability to
send email to the contacts automatically and content author won’t have control
on this, the campaign as this is triggered by Sitecore Forms Submit Action or
Marketing Automation)
Regular email (Emails
sent to the list of contacts specified by the content author, where all
included contacts will be receiving emails if it is not in exclusion list)
EXM uses the List manager to get the contact
details to send the details also using EXM we can able to create Lists in the
List manager.
It can provides to import already defined HTML file as
an email message, again we can able to add our rendering to this HTML file to
make it more customizable.
Which can be implemented as below.
· Open
the HTML file before importing to EXM, add a placeholder to renderings
<sc:Placeholder Key="exm
" runat="server" />
· Click on Message --> Body
Field -->Email -->Details and add your renderings.
It Provides predefined token which will be used at the time of
message composing.EXM also be used by Marketing Automation to send Campaign
Configuring CustomSMTP can be achieved through the updating
SMTP setting in Sitecore.EDS.Providers.CustomSMTP.config, but it is good
to have a patch configuration.
update the setting in web.config
key="eds:define" value="CustomSMTP" />
key="exmEnabled:define" value="yes" />
if we want to use a field from Sitecore Forms as a token instead of default tokens available.
Format of the token to be used in EXM
"$form_+SitecoreFormfieldName" ex)
To get all the Form fields to use this Token "$formFields$"
List Manager:
List manager is very useful in
storing and retrieving contacts, there are different ways to create a list.
· Segmented
List (It contains a filtered list of one or more selected contact lists
by certain matching rules) List can be created from the from Existing
List or Sitecore contacts
· Contact
List (A contact can be a member of one or more contact lists, A list
can be created from existing Contact List also)
These contacts will be useful for
certain marketing Tools in Sitecore like (EXM, Marketing Automation, etc.)
Using List Manager, we can manage
Contact List (Remove Duplicate Contacts, delete a contact, Export Contacts, Add
Contacts, etc.)
Experience Profile:
It provides a detailed view of contact who interacted
with the website/pages, we also able to know all the below performed activities
by the contacts
- Goals Triggered
- Events raised
- Visits
- Campaigns
- Outcomes
- Profiles
- Keywords
Based on all this information it will be helpful for
the marketer to identify what different target customers interest and needs to
make them available, it also helps the business to understand the future market
situation and act accordingly.
· If
None of the contacts shows on the dashboard then check whether the Xconnect
Search Indexer service is started in windows if not start it.
· Also
verify the connection string which pointed to correct solr xdb index.
· Update
the config file (ScXconnectSite/ App_Data\jobs\continuous\IndexWorker\App_Data\config\sitecore\SearchIndexer/ sc.Xdb.Collection.IndexerSettings.xml)
to index anonymous contacts
Experience Analytics:
Sitecore Experience Analytics provides overview
reports and detailed reports for marketers and marketing analysts to identify
patterns and trends in experience data collected from their websites and
potentially other external data sources.
Experience Analytics contains the following categories
of reports:
· Dashboard –
provides an overview of key analytics by displaying a selection of charts and
performance indicators.
· Audience –
helps you gain an understanding of who your visitors are.
· Acquisition –
shows you what is driving traffic to your website. For example, campaigns
and other marketing channels.
· Behavior –
helps you to analyze the behavior of your visitors to understand how they
interact with your content.
· Conversions –
the percentage of visitors that achieve a goal. This helps you understand how
well your marketing efforts are working.
Federated Experience Manager:
It is one of the important features that we can use
for non-sitecore applications. We can able to achieve the following to external
· Add
different sitecore rendering to the external website
· Multilingual
support for the content rendered from sitecore
· Able
to assign tracking functionality to the pages (Goals, Campaigns, Events,
Profiles and Outcomes etc.)
We can apply this feature to the external site by simply placing
the beacon scripts generated after creating FXM for the external sites.
Once it is placed to the external site, we can add or update the
rendering using Experience Editor.
Analytics of this external sites will be captured in Experience
Analytics Dashboard.
- FXM won't work properly in SPA
- Both Sitecore Applications
and external sites should use the same protocol.
Sitecore Forms:
Sitecore has introduced Sitecore Forms from Sitecore 9
onwards which is not an external module and it is now out of box, so it is easy
to configure it,
Before Sitecore Forms, Sitecore Supports Web Form For
Marketers (WFFM) which is an external the module which needs to be installed,
but Sitecore forms don’t comes with a lot of out of box Submit action which is
readily available in WFFM.
Sitecore Forms capture the information easily from the
contact and does the necessary action against these details, we can able to add
our custom submit action to do custom processing on the data submitted.
Sitecore Forms helps the marketers to designs own
campaigns forms without much need of developer.
Sitecore Forms provides the ability to view the
performance of the Forms which provides information like.
- Unique Views (Number unique visitor used
this Form)
- Abandonments (Contact who not submitted the
- Abandonment rate (Percentage of
non-submission of the form)
Custom Submit Action:
Some of the out of box Submit Action will be not sufficient
for our requirement, so we have to customize the submit Action to achieve the
required functionality.
Custom Submit action needs to be inherited from SubmitActionBase.
Refer the this Sitecore Forms with Mailchimp integration for creating Custom Submit Action
to store Forms details to MailChimp subscriber List.
Sometimes after creating Forms it won’t be displayed
in Forms Designer so in order to resolve this issue follow the below steps.
· Rebuild
the “sitecore_master_index” and check back.
· Check
the core database find /sitecore/client/Applications/FormsBuilder/Components/Navigation/Create/PageSettings/CreateFormDataSource/SearchConfig
· In
Field “Root” get the GUID and find this Item available in Master database (this
GUID belongs to Forms Item “Sitecore/Forms”)
Path Analyzer:
The Path Analyzer is an application that enables you
to create a map that shows the sequential paths that contacts take as they
navigate through your website. You can see the paths that contacts take while
interacting with campaigns, and trigger goals and outcomes.
Creating the Custom Map is possible for the following.
Page Maps (Page maps are
built from sequences of page visits within a given interaction)
Goal Maps (Goal maps are
maps configured around converting a specific goal)
Assets Maps(map configured
to show the paths that contacts take to download or interact with a particular
digital assets)
Campaign Maps (A map that
shows path experiences for contacts coming from a specific campaign)
Channel Maps (Channel maps
let you create a page map for all interactions from a particular channel)
Experience Maps (Experience
maps can include other interaction attributes, such as channels, campaigns,
goals, events, and outcomes)
Outcome Maps (Outcome maps
let you create a page map leading to a particular outcome)
Let’s create Goal Map and will deploy it to see the
In the Part 2 we will see the below list of Topics
- Marketing Automation
- Sitecore Cortex
- XConnect
- Universal Tracker
- Sitecore Powershell(module/code)
- Whats new with Sitecore 9.2
- Glass mapper
- Dependency injection
- Sitecore API
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