Sitecore Powershell - Creating a new sitecore multisite, Update Base Template, Renderings,Templates,Dictionary and Content

I had a requirement to create a brand-new site with same content structure (later content will be updated as per new site) based on the existing Sitecore site by duplicating all the templates and rendering and to host the site in the same Sitecore instance, Duplicating the site is very easy and hosting also done very easily but the problem is all the layout and Rendering is pointing to the old site from where we duplicated. Also, while duplicating the templates its inherited templates will still point to the old templates.

So, this is the big problem as if any changes happen to the old site's templates will reflect in the new site, but we need separate templates/Rendering/Layouts for the new site.

So, I thought of achieving with Sitecore Powershell scripts.

Let's do it.

Step 1:(Rendering Updates to new site's View and Controller)

$allItems = Get-ChildItem -Path 'master:///sitecore/layout/Renderings/Projects/NewSite' -Recurse
$filteredItems =$allItems| Where-Object { $_.TemplateName -eq 'View rendering' }

ForEach ($item in $allItems) 
#Replacing the View path pointing to OldSite Views
    if($item.TemplateName -eq 'View rendering')
                $item["Path"] = $item.Fields["Path"].toString().replace("OldSite", "NewSite");    
                  Write-Host $item["Path"] ;
#Replacing the Controller pointing to OldSite 
          if($item.TemplateName -eq 'Controller rendering')
                $item["Controller"] = $item.Fields["Controller"].toString().replace("OldSite", "NewSite");   
                      Write-Host $item["Controller"] ;


Step 2:(Update the Base Template and remove old site’s pointing base template)

$templateFilter    = Get-Item "master:/sitecore/templates/System/Templates/Template";
$rootTemplate    = Get-ChildItem 'master:/sitecore/templates/Projects/NewSite' -Recurse   | Where-Object { $_.TemplateName -eq $templateFilter.Name }  ;

#Looping through the templates
ForEach ($templates in $rootTemplate) {
 Write-Host "Template name" $templates.Name
    $basetemplates= Get-Item -Path master: -ID $templates."__Base template" 
    #Looping through base templates in the template
    ForEach ($basetemplate in $basetemplates)
        Write-Host $basetemplate.Paths.FullPath
       if($basetemplate.Name -ne "Standard template")
                if($basetemplate -ne $null)
                    #Add base templates of NewSite for the same template
                    Add-BaseTemplate -Path $children.Paths.FullPath -Template $basetemplate.Paths.FullPath().replace("OldSite", "NewSite")
                    #remove base templates of Oldsite in the New sites template
                    Remove-BaseTemplate -Path $children.Paths.FullPath -Template $basetemplate.Paths.FullPath
Step 3: (Add New Sites Rendering and remove Oldsite Rendering in content Items)
$allItems = Get-ChildItem -Path 'master:///sitecore/content/NewSite' -Recurse
ForEach ($item in $allItems) {
    #Check for Presentation details
    if (Get-Layout $item)
        $AllItemRenderings =  Get-Rendering -Item $item  -Device $defaultLayout -FinalLayout:$useFinalLayout
        foreach ( $rendering in $AllItemRenderings )
                $itemRendering=  Get-Item $rendering.ItemID
                #Get New Rendering item
                $NewRenderingItem= Get-Item $pathofNewRendering
                Write-Host "Placholder :" $rendering.Placeholder  :"Rendering Name : " $itemRendering.Name "/ " $NewRenderingItem.Name "ItemName:" $item.Name "Item Path :" $item.Paths.FullPath
                    $renderingToAdd = gi master:$pathofNewRendering | New-Rendering -Placeholder $rendering.Placeholder
                    Add-Rendering  -Item $item -Rendering $renderingToAdd -Placeholder $rendering.Placeholder
                    $renderingToRemove = Get-Item -Path master: -ID $rendering.ItemID
                    Remove-Rendering -Item $item -Rendering $renderingToRemove
                    #Some times placeholder directly added to the renderings itself without in presentation details of items
                    #$itemRendering["Placeholder"] getting placeholder value
                    $renderingToAdd = gi master:$pathofNewRendering | New-Rendering -Placeholder $itemRendering["Placeholder"]
                    Add-Rendering  -Item $item -Rendering $renderingToAdd -Placeholder $itemRendering["Placeholder"]
                    $renderingToRemove = Get-Item -Path master: -ID $rendering.ItemID
                    Remove-Rendering -Item $item -Rendering $renderingToRemove
                    Write-Host "Placholder :" $aItems["Placeholder"]  :"Rendering Name : " $itemRendering.Name "/ " $NewRenderingItem.Name "ItemName:" $item.Name "Item Path :" $item.Paths.FullPath

Steps 4: (Templates changing for all content Items from OldSite to NewSite)
$allItems = Get-ChildItem -Path 'master:///sitecore/content/NewSite -Recurse
ForEach ($item in $allItems) {
   $sourceTemplate = Get-Item $item.TemplateID
   $targetTemplate = Get-Item $sourceTemplate.Paths.FullPath.replace("OldSite","NewSite")
   Write-Host "ItemName :" $item.Name "SourceTemplate:" $sourceTemplate.Paths.FullPath "TargetTemplate:"  $targetTemplate.Paths.FullPath
Step 5: (Update the Dictionary Key from Oldsite to New Site)
$dictionaryItems = Get-ChildItem -Path 'master:///sitecore/content/System/Dictionary/NewSite' -Recurse
$filteredItems =$dictionaryItems| Where-Object { $_.TemplateName -eq 'Dictionary entry' }
ForEach ($item in $filteredItems)
 if($item["Key"].StartsWith("OldSite") )
        $item["Key"] = $item.Fields["Key"].toString().replace("OldSite", "NewSite");
          Write-Host $item["Phrase"] + "-------------"+ $item["Key"].toString();


Now we have updated all the contents and Rendering for the new site.

That’s it 😊


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